I recently watched Professor Matt McCormick’s Youtube video
titled “Bias and Heuristics in Religious Thinking” and read through
his PowerPoint slides that were featured in his video on his blog called Atheism:Proving The Negative. In the video Matt discusses come psychological findings
that point to errors in human thinking that he believes particularly pertain to
people of faith. I did find the presentation interesting and believe that there
are findings that are instructive to people in general. I was pleased that Matt
was generous enough to say that these findings do pertain to everyone, but I
was disappointed that he applied these findings particularly to religious
people and committed one of the most common atheist fallacies, the genetic
commits the genetic fallacy
Matt discusses how the hyperactive agency detection device (HADD),
a mechanism that he claims was evolved to help man agents such as predators,
and how our HADD causes us to see agents where they aren’t. He believes that
HADD causes us to perceive gods who aren’t there. The problem with this
assertion is that it commits the genetic fallacy because assuming that we have
this evolved device it could actually be pointing us to God, in fact if God
exists then it is quite probable that he gave us (either through evolution or
some other means) this device in order to detect him. In any case the existence
of HADD does not mean that God doesn’t exist or that the origin of the belief
that he exists is incorrect.
There is
no prayer fallacy
Later on in the presentation Matt discusses prayer, and calls
theist’s claims that God answers prayers with yes, no or maybe later a fallacy.
The problem with this is that it presupposes that God is an
omnipotent genie that must grant all prayers no matter how ridiculous or
harmful they are. Bob could pray to be Supreme Dictator of the Universe so that
he can torture and execute anyone who doesn’t bow down to him and the genie god
would have to grant his prayer. What if Fred prays the same thing? This is a
logically impossible situation, not to mention the fact that one of these
prayers being granted would be a downright scary situation. The fact that all
prayers aren’t granted does not prove that God doesn’t exist, or that prayer
doesn’t work. God is not obligated to answer any prayers. God is a free agent who
can decide which prayers should be granted and which shouldn’t, and he has the
freedom to grant them when he sees fit. As an omnipotent, timeless being he has
a better perspective then we do about which prayers should be granted and which shouldn't.
skeptics really open minded?
Next Matt talks about defense layers for Jesus vs. actively open
minded thinking. The funny thing about this his belief that atheists/skeptics
generally exhibit actively open minded thinking while religious believers are
close minded, dogmatic defense lawyers for Jesus is that skeptics, who are
generally naturalists, are closed to the possibility of God and miracles. How
can a proponent of naturalism claim that they can make an objective open minded
investigation into religious claims when they start with the presupposition that
God doesn’t exist and miracles are impossible? The answer is they can’t. That
is why proponents of skepticism/naturalism will always favor naturalistic explanations, even if those naturalistic explanations are farfetched, because
supernatural explanations are seen to be impossible. In fact it is kind of
ridiculous to equate skepticism with open mindedness because the whole idea of skepticism
is that it is a way to avoid possible mistaken beliefs by filtering out beliefs
by demanding near if not absolute proof for that belief. So, the project of skepticism
is the opposite of being open.
difference between possible and probable
Next Matt says that believers argue that God possibly exists.
Perhaps some believers do argue this but I think most sophisticated believers
say that God’s existence is highly probable. There is a huge difference between
possible and highly probable because just about anything is possible, but far
fewer things are highly probable. When I say that God is highly probable it is because
I’ve looked at the world and concluded that God is the cause of the finely
tuned universe and is the ontological foundation of objective morals. I have reasons for
believing that God exists. However, I realize that it is not possible to absolutely
prove God’s existence because we don’t have enough information to do that.
The weak
analogy of the elf in the basement
Then Matt moves on to a weak analogy between an elf in a
basement and God and his work in the world. The reason this is a weak analogy
is because there is a huge difference between God and elves, unicorns, dragons
and celestial teapots. One reason is that God is immaterial and resides in
heaven while the elf is material and is said to be living in a basement. This
means that even if the elf is invisible (how is a material object invisible
anyway?) and really quiet there is a way to prove that he is there or not. You could
use thermal cameras or radar to detect the elf, or you could use extremely sensitive
microphones to detect the elf’s breathing or heartbeat. However, since God is
an immaterial entity can’t be detected with current technology because we have
no way to detect something that is immaterial.
Another difference between the elf and God is that there is
no good reason to assume that an elf would be in your basement. Although it is
possible that an invisible elf is in your basement there is no good reason to think
that there is one there. However, when it comes to God, he is said to be the
ontological cause for the universe and the foundation of objective moral
values. As an uncaused cause God plays a crucial role in answering the question
why is there something rather than nothing.
A final key difference between elves and God is that elves
are contingent entities while God is a necessary being. Elves are contingent because
they are material biological entities that need things like matter, land, food,
water and oxygen to exist. We could conceive of possible worlds such as worlds
without matter where elves could not possibly exist. However, that is not the
case with God, a necessary being, because God does not require anything to
exist. God can exist in all possible worlds.
Not all
believers go nuclear
says that believers go nuclear which is just a dramatic way of saying the
argument from ignorance i.e. you can’t prove that God exists therefore God exists.
Some believers may commit argument from ignorance fallacy, but all believers
certainly don’t. Many believers say that God’s existence is probable because there are good arguments for his existence. What Matt
doesn’t mention is that skeptics can commit the argument from ignorance fallacy
when they say that there is no evidence that God exists therefore God doesn’t
are some interesting psychological findings, but when atheists try to apply
them to faith and believers and say that faith in God is all in believer’s
heads they commit the genetic fallacy. Just because people seem to be highly
sensitive agency detectors doesn’t mean that they are imagining that God exists.
In fact, HADD might be pointing us straight to God.
ReplyDeleteMcCormick I heard your mama committed a genertic fallacy with her first cousin and out popped you!LIKE MOTHER LIKE SON MCCORMICK!!!
Besides like, dude, what if your thinking about errors in human thinking has errors in your thinking?!?!?! Your thoughts are like a heavy punch of the peyote.